Ormiston Specialist Centre
Ground Floor, Ormiston Hospital
125 Ormiston Road, Flat Bush, 2019
Email: [email protected]


(09) 271 3305

Weight Loss Specialists

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Our weight loss experts are focused on helping patients to achieve weight loss. The procedures are performed at Ormiston Hospital in a private and comfortable hospital setting. 

Our options include:

Gastric Balloons (Ravinder Ogra and Dinesh Lal)
Gastric Surgery (Stephanie Ulmer

Gastric balloons are a popular nonsurgical method of weight loss. This is where a water-filed balloon is inserted into a patients stomach to ensure they are left feeling full and usually results in immediate weight loss. 

Bariatric surgery offers a surgical solution to weight loss, this is done by removing part of the stomach so that the stomach changes in size and the patient eats less. This is a long term and permanent solution offered by surgeon Stephanie Ulmer. 

Book a consultation. 

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Ask Us

(09) 271 3305

[email protected]

Ormiston Specialist Centre
Ground Floor
Ormiston Hospital
125 Ormiston Road
Flat Bush
Auckland 2019
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