Ormiston Specialist Centre
Ground Floor, Ormiston Hospital
125 Ormiston Road, Flat Bush, 2019
Email: reception@ormistonspecialists.co.nz


(09) 271 3305

Dr Katherine Sowden

Location and Contact Details:

Physical Address:
Ground Floor,
125 Ormiston Road
Flat Bush
Postal Address:
Ground Floor,
125 Ormiston Road
Flat Bush
Phone: (09) 271 3305
Fax: (09) 2770769
Email:  reception@ormistonspecialists.co.nz
Dr Katherine Sowden

Katherine Sowden is a highly respected professional in her field and currently leads the gynaecology services for Counties Manukau Health. Katherine has been a Consultant Gynaecologist at Counties Manukau Health since 2004 and was appointed Clinical Lead for Gynaecology in 2014.

She is also currently the departmental lead for non-tertiary gynaecological oncology where she is particularly interested in the management of premalignant gynaecological conditions.

A fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (FRANZCOG) Katherine is a thought leader within her specialty. Katherine also enjoys the practical teaching of specialist RANZGOG trainees and is involved in oversight of guideline development and implementation.

Katherine provides a wide range of general gynaecology services including colposcopy, vulvoscopy, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy and open gynaecological surgery. Her skills and experience mean patients have access to the country’s leading expert working out of Ormiston Specialist Centre.

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(09) 271 3305


Ormiston Specialist Centre
Ground Floor
Ormiston Hospital
125 Ormiston Road
Flat Bush
Auckland 2019
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